بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
ده توب جديد بشتغل
كل يوم حد
الساعه 4 بتسجل فيه
3.45 دقيقه
والبيكسب بياخد 1 مليون
سى بى اس وعلامه التوب
| This image has been resized. Click this bar to view the full image. The original image is sized 1024x768. |
| This image has been resized. Click this bar to view the full image. The original image is sized 1024x768. |
| This image has been resized. Click this bar to view the full image. The original image is sized 1024x768. |
فى NPCDialog.cs
حط ده
#region Abdallah
#region PK-Enjoy
case 20:
if (option == 0)
GC.AddSend(Packets.NPCSay("Hey I Will Join You New Pk Champion In Sunday in this Time 15:45"));
GC.AddSend(Packets.NPCLink("Join Top-PK [SunDay]", 1));
GC.AddSend(Packets.NPCLink("Just passing by.", 255));
else if (option == 1)
if (DateTime.Now.DayOfWeek == DayOfWeek.Sunday)
if ((DateTime.Now.Hour == 15 && DateTime.Now.Minute >= 45))
GC.MyChar.Teleport(1508, 122, 144);
GC.MyChar.Action = 250;
Game.World.Em.AbdallahJoin += 1;
GC.AddSend(Packets.NPCSay("Good luck and be carefull"));
GC.AddSend(Packets.NPCLink("Thanks.", 255));
GC.AddSend(Packets.NPCSay("If you want Sign Up,you must choose your the right day and come at 15:45"));
GC.AddSend(Packets.NPCLink("Sorry", 255));
#region Prize
case 21:
if (option == 0)
GC.AddSend(Packets.NPCSay("i will claim to you your prize at 16.00 Or 4pm"));
GC.AddSend(Packets.NPCLink("Claim it to me", 1));
GC.AddSend(Packets.NPCLink("Back Me To TC.", 2));
else if (option == 1)
if (DateTime.Now.DayOfWeek == DayOfWeek.Sunday && Game.World.Em.AbdallahJoin == 1)
if ((DateTime.Now.Hour == 16))
GC.MyChar.Emperor1 = 1;
Game.World.Em.AbdallahJoin = 0;
GC.MyChar.CPs += 1000000;
Game.World.SendMsgToAll("SYSTEM", "" + GC.MyChar.Name + " Has won the TOP 1 and 1kk cps Congratulations ", 2011, 0);
GC.MyChar.Teleport(1002, 429, 378);
GC.AddSend(Packets.NPCSay("You can Take it Later at 20:10"));
GC.AddSend(Packets.NPCLink("sorry", 255));
else if (option == 2)
GC.MyChar.Teleport(1002, 429, 378);
فى Character.cs
ابحث على
public int TopFireTaoist = 0;
حط ده فوقيه
public int Emperor1 = 0;
ابحث على
if (Loc.Map == 1038)
Attacker.CPs += 5;
Attacker.HonorPoints += 1;
Attacker.MyClient.LocalMessage(2005, "Your have 1 honor points and 5 cps for kill enemy.");
وحط ده فوقيه
if (Loc.Map == 1508)
Teleport(1002, 430, 380);
Game.World.Em.AbdallahJoin -= 1;
MyClient.LocalMessage(2005, "You Was Killed and Get Out");
و ابحث على
FatalStrike = 140737488355328,
وحط ده فوقيه
Emperor1 = 0x100000,
ابحث على
if (GC.MyChar.banned == 1)
GC.MyChar.MyClient.AddSend(Packets.SystemMessage(2000, "You Acc has Banned by GameManger "));
Database.SaveCharacter(GC.MyChar, GC.AuthInfo.Account);
Game.World.Action(GC.MyChar, Packets.GeneralData(GC.MyChar.EntityID, 0, 0, 0, 135).Get);
GC.MyChar.MyClient = null;
حط ده فوقيه
if (GC.MyChar.Loc.Map == 1508)
GC.MyChar.Teleport(1002, 430, 380);
فى GameClient.cs
ابحث على
public void Disconnect()
if (!Robot)
حط ده تحتيه
if (MyChar.Loc.Map == 1508)
MyChar.Teleport(1002, 430, 380);
Game.World.Em.AbdallahJoin -= 1;
ابحث على
كود PHP:
if (GC.MyChar.TopFireTaoist >= 1)
حط ده فوقيه
if (GC.MyChar.Emperor1 == 1)
فى World
ابحث على
public class DeathMatch
حط ده فوقيه
public class Em
public static int AbdallahJoin = 0;
فى Database.cs
ابحث على
public static void SaveCharacter(Game.Character C, string Acc)
حط ده بدل الكود كله
public static void SaveCharacter(Game.Character C, string Acc)
lock (WriteConnection)
MySqlCommand cmd = null;
int DoubleExp = C.DoubleExpLeft;
if (C.DoubleExp)
DoubleExp -= (int)(DateTime.Now - C.ExpPotionUsed).TotalSeconds;
int Boxss = C.BoxLeft;
Boxss -= (int)(DateTime.Now - C.BoxUsed).TotalSeconds;
int gid = 0;
if (C.MyGuild != null)
gid = C.MyGuild.GuildID;
string skills = "";
foreach (Game.Skill n in C.Skills.Values)
skills += n.WriteThis() + "~";
string profs = "";
foreach (Game.Prof Is in C.Profs.Values)
profs += Is.WriteThis() + "~";
string friends = "";
foreach (Game.Friend Id in C.Friends.Values)
friends += Id.WriteThis() + "#";
string enemies = "";
foreach (Game.Enemy e in C.Enemies.Values)
enemies += e.WriteThis() + "#";
if (C.GettingLuckyTime)
if (!C.Prayer)
C.LuckyTime += (uint)(DateTime.Now - C.PrayDT).TotalSeconds;
C.LuckyTime += (uint)(DateTime.Now - C.PrayDT).TotalSeconds * 3;
C.PrayDT = DateTime.Now;
cmd = new MySqlCommand("UPDATE `characters` SET `Avatar` = '" + C.Avatar + "',`Body` = '" + C.Body + "',`Hair` = '" + C.Hair + "',`Map` = '" + C.Loc.Map + "',`X` = '" + C.Loc.X + "',`Y` = '" + C.Loc.Y + "',`PreviousMap` = '" + C.Loc.PreviousMap + "',`Job` = '" + C.Job + "',`PreviousJob` = '" + C.PreviousJob1 + "',`PreviousJob2` = '" + C.PreviousJob2 + "',`Level` = '" + C.Level + "',`DisKO` = '" + C.DisKO + "',`Experience` = '" + C.Experience + "',`Str` = '" + C.Str + "',`Agi` = '" + C.Agi + "',`House` = '" + C.House + "',`Vit` = '" + C.Vit + "',`Spi` = '" + C.Spi + "',`StatPoints` = '" + C.StatPoints + "',`TopTrojan` = '" + C.TopTrojan + "',`TopWarrior` = '" + C.TopWarrior + "',`TopNinja` = '" + C.TopNinja + "',`TopWaterTaoist` = '" + C.TopWaterTaoist + "',`TopArcher` = '" + C.TopArcher + "',`TopGuildLeader` = '" + C.TopGuildLeader + "',`TopFireTaoist` = '" + C.TopFireTaoist + "', `TopSpouse` = '" + C.TopSpouse + "', `TopGM` = '" + C.TopGM + "',`Emperor1` = '" + C.Emperor1 + "', `TopDeputyLeader` = '" + C.TopDeputyLeader + "', `WeeklyPKChampion` = '" + C.WeeklyPKChampion + "',`HideQuest` = '" + C.HideQuest + "',`FreeGear` = '" + C.FreeGear + "',`CurHP` = '" + C.CurHP + "',`CurMP` = '" + C.CurMP + "',`HonorPoints` = '" + C.HonorPoints + "', `DragonPoints` = '" + C.DragonPoints + "', `NobilityDonation` = '" + C.Nobility.Donation + "',`Silvers` = '" + C.Silvers + "',`CPs` = '" + C.CPs + "',`WHSilvers` = '" + C.WHSilvers + "',`WHCPs` = '" + C.WHCPs + "',`VP` = '" + C.VP + "',`PKPoints` = '" + C.PKPoints + "',`GID` = '" + gid + "',`Don` = '" + C.GuildDonation + "',`GR` = '" + (byte)C.GuildRank + "',`Equips` = '" + C.Equips.WriteThis() + "',`Friends` = '" + friends + "',`Profs` = '" + profs + "',`Skills` = '" + skills + "', `Warehouses` = '" + C.Warehouses.WriteThis() + "',`Enemies` = '" + enemies + "',`QuestTc` = '" + C.QuestTc + "',`DoubleExpLeft` = '" + DoubleExp + "',`Boxss` = '" + Boxss + "',`BlessingLasts` = '" + C.BlessingLasts + "',`BlessingStarted` = '" + C.BlessingStarted.Ticks + "',`LuckyTime` = '" + C.LuckyTime + "',`ExpBallsUsedToday` = '" + C.ExpBallsUsedToday + "',`Reborns` = '" + C.Reborns + "',`Merchant` = '" + (byte)C.Merchant + "',`VipLevel` = '" + C.VipLevel + "',`DbUsedToday` = '" + C.DbUsedToday + "',`VoteToday` = '" + C.VoteToday + "',`Flori` = '" + C.Flori + "',`LastLogin` = '" + DateTime.Now.Ticks + "',`TrainTimeLeft` = '" + (ushort)(C.TrainTimeLeft + ((DateTime.Now - C.LoggedOn).TotalMinutes * 10)) + "',`InOTG` = '" + (C.InOTG == true ? "1" : "0") + "',`MonsterHunter` = '" + C.MonsterHunter + "',`UniversityPoints` = '" + C.UniversityPoints + "',`WHPassword` = '" + C.WHPassword + "',`Spouse` = '" + C.Spouse + "',`BanBy` = '" + C.BanBy + "',`flames` = '" + C.flames + "',`LotteryUsed` = '" + C.LotteryUsed + "',`queststatictc` = '" + C.queststatictc + "',`questtcnr` = '" + C.questtcnr + "',`DoubleExp` = '" + (C.DoubleExp == true ? "1" : "0") + "',`rebornquest` = '" + C.rebornquest + "',`banned` = '" + C.banned + "',`quest1` = '" + C.quest1 + "' WHERE `EntityID` = '" + C.EntityID + "'", WriteConnection);
catch (Exception Exc) { Console.WriteLine(Exc); }
ابحث على
public static Game.Robot LoadAsRobot(string Name, ref string Account)
حط ده بدل الكود كله
public static Game.Robot LoadAsRobot(string Name, ref string Account)
Game.Robot C = new ConquerSx.Game.Robot();
MySqlDataAdapter DataAdapter = null;
DataSet DSet = new DataSet();
DataAdapter = new MySqlDataAdapter("SELECT * FROM `Characters` WHERE `Name` = '" + Name + "'", ReadConnection);//read
DataAdapter.Fill(DSet, "Character");
if (DSet != null && DSet.Tables["Character"].Rows.Count > 0)
DataRow DR = DSet.Tables["Character"].Rows[0];
C.Name = Name;
Account = Convert.ToString(DR["Account"]);
C.EntityID = Convert.ToUInt32(DR["EntityID"]);
C.Avatar = Convert.ToUInt16(DR["Avatar"]);
C.Body = Convert.ToUInt16(DR["Body"]);
C.Hair = Convert.ToUInt16(DR["Hair"]);
C.Loc = new ConquerSx.Game.Location();
C.Loc.Map = Convert.ToUInt16(DR["Map"]);
C.Loc.X = Convert.ToUInt16(DR["X"]);
C.Loc.Y = Convert.ToUInt16(DR["Y"]);
C.Loc.PreviousMap = Convert.ToUInt16(DR["PreviousMap"]);
C.Job = Convert.ToByte(DR["Job"]);
C.PreviousJob1 = Convert.ToByte(DR["PreviousJob"]);
C.PreviousJob2 = Convert.ToByte(DR["PreviousJob2"]);
C.Level = Convert.ToByte(DR["Level"]);
C.DisKO = Convert.ToUInt16(DR["DisKO"]);
C.Experience = Convert.ToUInt64(DR["Experience"]);
C.Str = Convert.ToUInt16(DR["Str"]);
C.Agi = Convert.ToUInt16(DR["Agi"]);
C.House = Convert.ToUInt16(DR["House"]);
C.Vit = Convert.ToUInt16(DR["Vit"]);
C.Spi = Convert.ToUInt16(DR["Spi"]);
C.StatPoints = Convert.ToUInt16(DR["StatPoints"]);
C.TopTrojan = Convert.ToUInt16(DR["TopTrojan"]);
C.TopWarrior = Convert.ToUInt16(DR["TopWarrior"]);
C.TopNinja = Convert.ToUInt16(DR["TopNinja"]);
C.TopWaterTaoist = Convert.ToUInt16(DR["TopWaterTaoist"]);
C.TopArcher = Convert.ToUInt16(DR["TopArcher"]);
C.TopGuildLeader = Convert.ToUInt16(DR["TopGuildLeader"]);
C.TopFireTaoist = Convert.ToUInt16(DR["TopFireTaoist"]);
C.TopDeputyLeader = Convert.ToUInt16(DR["TopDeputyLeader"]);
C.WeeklyPKChampion = Convert.ToUInt16(DR["WeeklyPKChampion"]);
C.TopSpouse = Convert.ToUInt16(DR["TopSpouse"]);
C.TopGM = Convert.ToUInt16(DR["TopGM"]);
C.Emperor1 = Convert.ToUInt16(DR["Emperor1"]);
C.HideQuest = Convert.ToUInt16(DR["HideQuest"]);
C.FreeGear = Convert.ToUInt16(DR["FreeGear"]);
C.CurHP = Convert.ToUInt16(DR["CurHP"]);
C.CurMP = Convert.ToUInt16(DR["CurMP"]);
C.HonorPoints = Convert.ToUInt16(DR["HonorPoints"]);
C.DragonPoints = Convert.ToUInt16(DR["DragonPoints"]);
C.Nobility.Donation = Convert.ToUInt64(DR["NobilityDonation"]);
C.Nobility.ListPlace = -1;
if (C.Nobility.Donation >= 3000000)
C.Nobility.ListPlace = 50;
for (int i = 49; i >= 0; i--)
if (C.Nobility.Donation >= Game.World.EmpireBoard[i].Donation)
if (C.Nobility.ListPlace < 50)
if (C.Nobility.Donation >= 30000000 && C.Nobility.Donation <= 100000000)
C.Nobility.Rank = Game.Ranks.Knight;
else if (C.Nobility.Donation >= 100000000 && C.Nobility.Donation <= 200000000)
C.Nobility.Rank = Game.Ranks.Baron;
else if (C.Nobility.Donation >= 200000000 && C.Nobility.Donation <= 300000000)
C.Nobility.Rank = Game.Ranks.Earl;
else if (C.Nobility.ListPlace >= 15 && C.Nobility.ListPlace <= 50)
C.Nobility.Rank = Game.Ranks.Duke;
else if (C.Nobility.ListPlace >= 3 && C.Nobility.ListPlace <= 15)
C.Nobility.Rank = Game.Ranks.Prince;
else if (C.Nobility.ListPlace <= 3)
C.Nobility.Rank = Game.Ranks.King;
Game.EmpireInfo G = new EmpireInfo();
G.Donation = C.Donation;
C.Silvers = Convert.ToUInt32(DR["Silvers"]);
C.CPs = Convert.ToUInt32(DR["CPs"]);
C.WHSilvers = Convert.ToUInt32(DR["WHSilvers"]);
C.WHCPs = Convert.ToUInt32(DR["WHCPs"]);
C.VP = Convert.ToUInt64(DR["VP"]);
C.PKPoints = Convert.ToUInt16(DR["PKPoints"]);
ushort GID = Convert.ToUInt16(DR["GID"]);
if (Features.Guilds.AllTheGuilds.Contains(GID))
C.MyGuild = (Features.Guild)Features.Guilds.AllTheGuilds[GID];
uint Don = Convert.ToUInt32(DR["Don"]); ;
byte GR = Convert.ToByte(DR["GR"]);
if (((Hashtable)C.MyGuild.Members[GR]).Contains(C.EntityID))
C.GuildDonation = Don;
C.GuildRank = (Features.GuildRank)GR;
C.MembInfo = (Features.MemberInfo)((Hashtable)C.MyGuild.Members[GR])[C.EntityID];
C.MembInfo.Level = C.Level;
C.GuildDonation = C.MembInfo.Donation;
C.GuildRank = C.MembInfo.Rank;
C.MyGuild = null;
C.Equips = new ConquerSx.Game.Equipment();
string Equipment = DR["Equips"].ToString();
if (Equipment == null)
Equipment = "";
C.Friends = new Hashtable();
string friends = DR["Friends"].ToString();
if (friends == null)
friends = "";
string[] Friends = friends.Split('#');
foreach (string friend in Friends)
if (friend.Length > 1)
Game.Friend F = new Game.Friend();
F.UID = Convert.ToUInt32(friend.Split('*')[0]);
F.Name = friend.Split('*')[1];
if (!C.Friends.Contains(F.UID))
C.Friends.Add(F.UID, F);
C.Profs = new Hashtable();
string profs = DR["Profs"].ToString();
if (profs == null)
profs = "";
string[] Profs = profs.Split('~');
foreach (string prof in Profs)
if (prof.Length > 1)
Game.Prof s = new Game.Prof();
s.ID = Convert.ToUInt16(prof.Split('-')[0]);
s.Lvl = Convert.ToByte(prof.Split('-')[1]);
s.Exp = Convert.ToUInt32(prof.Split('-')[2]);
if (!C.Profs.Contains(s.ID))
C.Profs.Add(s.ID, s);
C.Skills = new Hashtable();
string skills = DR["Skills"].ToString();
if (skills == null)
skills = "";
string[] Skills = skills.Split('~');
foreach (string skill in Skills)
if (skill.Length > 1)
Game.Skill s = new Game.Skill();
s.ID = Convert.ToUInt16(skill.Split('-')[0]);
s.Lvl = Convert.ToByte(skill.Split('-')[1]);
s.Exp = Convert.ToUInt32(skill.Split('-')[2]);
if (!C.Skills.ContainsKey(s.ID))
C.Skills.Add(s.ID, s);
if (s.ID == 3060)
C.CanReflect = true;
string Warehouses = DR["Warehouses"].ToString();
if (Warehouses == null)
Warehouses = "";
C.Warehouses = new ConquerSx.Game.Banks();
C.Enemies = new Hashtable();
string enemies = DR["Enemies"].ToString();
if (enemies == null)
enemies = "";
string[] Enemies = enemies.Split('#');
foreach (string enemy in Enemies)
if (enemy.Length > 1)
Game.Enemy F = new Game.Enemy();
F.UID = Convert.ToUInt32(enemy.Split('*')[0]);
F.Name = enemy.Split('*')[1];
if (!C.Enemies.Contains(F.UID))
C.Enemies.Add(F.UID, F);
C.QuestTc = Convert.ToUInt16(DR["QuestTc"]);
C.DoubleExpLeft = Convert.ToInt32(DR["DoubleExpLeft"]);
C.BoxLeft = Convert.ToInt32(DR["Boxss"]);
C.BlessingLasts = Convert.ToInt32(DR["BlessingLasts"]);
C.BlessingStarted = DateTime.FromBinary(Convert.ToInt64(DR["BlessingStarted"]));
C.LuckyTime = Convert.ToUInt32(DR["LuckyTime"]);
C.ExpBallsUsedToday = Convert.ToByte(DR["ExpBallsUsedToday"]);
C.Reborns = Convert.ToByte(DR["Reborns"]);
C.Merchant = (ConquerSx.Game.MerchantTypes)Convert.ToByte(DR["Merchant"]);
C.VipLevel = Convert.ToByte(DR["VipLevel"]);
C.DbUsedToday = Convert.ToByte(DR["DbUsedToday"]);
C.VoteToday = Convert.ToByte(DR["VoteToday"]);
C.Flori = Convert.ToUInt16(DR["Flori"]);
C.LastLogin = DateTime.FromBinary(Convert.ToInt64(DR["LastLogin"]));
catch { C.LastLogin = DateTime.Now; }
C.TrainTimeLeft = Convert.ToUInt16(DR["TrainTimeLeft"]);
C.InOTG = Convert.ToBoolean(DR["InOTG"]);
C.MonsterHunter = Convert.ToUInt16(DR["MonsterHunter"]);
C.UniversityPoints = Convert.ToUInt32(DR["UniversityPoints"]);
C.WHPassword = DR["WHPassword"].ToString();
C.Spouse = DR["Spouse"].ToString();
C.BanBy = Convert.ToString(DR["BanBy"]);
C.flames = Convert.ToInt16(DR["flames"]);
C.LotteryUsed = Convert.ToByte(DR["LotteryUsed"]);
C.queststatictc = Convert.ToUInt16(DR["queststatictc"]);
C.questtcnr = Convert.ToUInt16(DR["questtcnr"]);
C.DoubleExp = Convert.ToBoolean(DR["DoubleExp"]);
C.rebornquest = Convert.ToInt16(DR["rebornquest"]);
C.banned = Convert.ToInt16(DR["banned"]);
C.quest1 = Convert.ToInt16(DR["quest1"]);
C.GM = Convert.ToString(DR["GM"]);
C.Loaded = true;
catch { }
return C;
ابحث على
public static Game.Character LoadCharacter(string Name, ref string Account)
حط ده بدل الكود كله
public static Game.Character LoadCharacter(string Name, ref string Account)
Game.Character C = new ConquerSx.Game.Character();
MySqlDataAdapter DataAdapter = null;
DataSet DSet = new DataSet();
DataAdapter = new MySqlDataAdapter("SELECT * FROM `Characters` WHERE `Name` = '" + Name + "'", ReadConnection);//read
DataAdapter.Fill(DSet, "Character");
if (DSet != null && DSet.Tables["Character"].Rows.Count > 0)
DataRow DR = DSet.Tables["Character"].Rows[0];
C.Name = Name;
Account = Convert.ToString(DR["Account"]);
C.EntityID = Convert.ToUInt32(DR["EntityID"]);
C.Avatar = Convert.ToUInt16(DR["Avatar"]);
C.Body = Convert.ToUInt16(DR["Body"]);
C.Hair = Convert.ToUInt16(DR["Hair"]);
C.Loc = new ConquerSx.Game.Location();
C.Loc.Map = Convert.ToUInt16(DR["Map"]);
C.Loc.X = Convert.ToUInt16(DR["X"]);
C.Loc.Y = Convert.ToUInt16(DR["Y"]);
C.Loc.PreviousMap = Convert.ToUInt16(DR["PreviousMap"]);
C.Job = Convert.ToByte(DR["Job"]);
C.PreviousJob1 = Convert.ToByte(DR["PreviousJob"]);
C.PreviousJob2 = Convert.ToByte(DR["PreviousJob2"]);
C.Level = Convert.ToByte(DR["Level"]);
C.DisKO = Convert.ToUInt16(DR["DisKO"]);
C.Experience = Convert.ToUInt64(DR["Experience"]);
C.Str = Convert.ToUInt16(DR["Str"]);
C.Agi = Convert.ToUInt16(DR["Agi"]);
C.House = Convert.ToUInt16(DR["House"]);
C.Vit = Convert.ToUInt16(DR["Vit"]);
C.Spi = Convert.ToUInt16(DR["Spi"]);
C.StatPoints = Convert.ToUInt16(DR["StatPoints"]);
C.TopTrojan = Convert.ToUInt16(DR["TopTrojan"]);
C.TopWarrior = Convert.ToUInt16(DR["TopWarrior"]);
C.TopNinja = Convert.ToUInt16(DR["TopNinja"]);
C.TopWaterTaoist = Convert.ToUInt16(DR["TopWaterTaoist"]);
C.TopArcher = Convert.ToUInt16(DR["TopArcher"]);
C.TopGuildLeader = Convert.ToUInt16(DR["TopGuildLeader"]);
C.TopFireTaoist = Convert.ToUInt16(DR["TopFireTaoist"]);
C.TopDeputyLeader = Convert.ToUInt16(DR["TopDeputyLeader"]);
C.WeeklyPKChampion = Convert.ToUInt16(DR["WeeklyPKChampion"]);
C.TopSpouse = Convert.ToUInt16(DR["TopSpouse"]);
C.TopGM = Convert.ToUInt16(DR["TopGM"]);
C.TopGM = Convert.ToUInt16(DR["TopGM"]);
C.Emperor1 = Convert.ToUInt16(DR["Emperor1"]);
C.HideQuest = Convert.ToUInt16(DR["HideQuest"]);
C.FreeGear = Convert.ToUInt16(DR["FreeGear"]);
C.CurHP = Convert.ToUInt16(DR["CurHP"]);
C.CurMP = Convert.ToUInt16(DR["CurMP"]);
C.HonorPoints = Convert.ToUInt16(DR["HonorPoints"]);
C.DragonPoints = Convert.ToUInt16(DR["DragonPoints"]);
C.Nobility.Donation = Convert.ToUInt64(DR["NobilityDonation"]);
C.Nobility.ListPlace = -1;
if (C.Nobility.Donation >= 3000000)
C.Nobility.ListPlace = 50;
for (int i = 49; i >= 0; i--)
if (C.Nobility.Donation >= Game.World.EmpireBoard[i].Donation)
if (C.Nobility.ListPlace < 50)
if (C.Nobility.Donation >= 30000000 && C.Nobility.Donation <= 100000000)
C.Nobility.Rank = Game.Ranks.Knight;
else if (C.Nobility.Donation >= 100000000 && C.Nobility.Donation <= 200000000)
C.Nobility.Rank = Game.Ranks.Baron;
else if (C.Nobility.Donation >= 200000000 && C.Nobility.Donation <= 300000000)
C.Nobility.Rank = Game.Ranks.Earl;
else if (C.Nobility.ListPlace >= 15 && C.Nobility.ListPlace <= 50)
C.Nobility.Rank = Game.Ranks.Duke;
else if (C.Nobility.ListPlace >= 3 && C.Nobility.ListPlace <= 15)
C.Nobility.Rank = Game.Ranks.Prince;
else if (C.Nobility.ListPlace <= 3)
C.Nobility.Rank = Game.Ranks.King;
Game.EmpireInfo G = new EmpireInfo();
G.Donation = C.Donation;
C.Silvers = Convert.ToUInt32(DR["Silvers"]);
C.CPs = Convert.ToUInt32(DR["CPs"]);
C.WHSilvers = Convert.ToUInt32(DR["WHSilvers"]);
C.WHCPs = Convert.ToUInt32(DR["WHCPs"]);
C.VP = Convert.ToUInt64(DR["VP"]);
C.PKPoints = Convert.ToUInt16(DR["PKPoints"]);
ushort GID = Convert.ToUInt16(DR["GID"]);
if (Features.Guilds.AllTheGuilds.Contains(GID))
C.MyGuild = (Features.Guild)Features.Guilds.AllTheGuilds[GID];
uint Don = Convert.ToUInt32(DR["Don"]); ;
byte GR = Convert.ToByte(DR["GR"]);
if (((Hashtable)C.MyGuild.Members[GR]).Contains(C.EntityID))
C.GuildDonation = Don;
C.GuildRank = (Features.GuildRank)GR;
C.MembInfo = (Features.MemberInfo)((Hashtable)C.MyGuild.Members[GR])[C.EntityID];
C.MembInfo.Level = C.Level;
C.GuildDonation = C.MembInfo.Donation;
C.GuildRank = C.MembInfo.Rank;
C.MyGuild = null;
C.Equips = new ConquerSx.Game.Equipment();
string Equipment = DR["Equips"].ToString();
if (Equipment == null)
Equipment = "";
C.Friends = new Hashtable();
string friends = DR["Friends"].ToString();
if (friends == null)
friends = "";
string[] Friends = friends.Split('#');
foreach (string friend in Friends)
if (friend.Length > 1)
Game.Friend F = new Game.Friend();
F.UID = Convert.ToUInt32(friend.Split('*')[0]);
F.Name = friend.Split('*')[1];
if (!C.Friends.Contains(F.UID))
C.Friends.Add(F.UID, F);
C.Profs = new Hashtable();
string profs = DR["Profs"].ToString();
if (profs == null)
profs = "";
string[] Profs = profs.Split('~');
foreach (string prof in Profs)
if (prof.Length > 1)
Game.Prof s = new Game.Prof();
s.ID = Convert.ToUInt16(prof.Split('-')[0]);
s.Lvl = Convert.ToByte(prof.Split('-')[1]);
s.Exp = Convert.ToUInt32(prof.Split('-')[2]);
if (!C.Profs.Contains(s.ID))
C.Profs.Add(s.ID, s);
C.Skills = new Hashtable();
string skills = DR["Skills"].ToString();
if (skills == null)
skills = "";
string[] Skills = skills.Split('~');
foreach (string skill in Skills)
if (skill.Length > 1)
Game.Skill s = new Game.Skill();
s.ID = Convert.ToUInt16(skill.Split('-')[0]);
s.Lvl = Convert.ToByte(skill.Split('-')[1]);
s.Exp = Convert.ToUInt32(skill.Split('-')[2]);
if (!C.Skills.ContainsKey(s.ID))
C.Skills.Add(s.ID, s);
if (s.ID == 3060)
C.CanReflect = true;
string Warehouses = DR["Warehouses"].ToString();
if (Warehouses == null)
Warehouses = "";
C.Warehouses = new ConquerSx.Game.Banks();
C.Enemies = new Hashtable();
string enemies = DR["Enemies"].ToString();
if (enemies == null)
enemies = "";
string[] Enemies = enemies.Split('#');
foreach (string enemy in Enemies)
if (enemy.Length > 1)
Game.Enemy F = new Game.Enemy();
F.UID = Convert.ToUInt32(enemy.Split('*')[0]);
F.Name = enemy.Split('*')[1];
if (!C.Enemies.Contains(F.UID))
C.Enemies.Add(F.UID, F);
C.QuestTc = Convert.ToUInt16(DR["QuestTc"]);
C.DoubleExpLeft = Convert.ToInt32(DR["DoubleExpLeft"]);
C.BoxLeft = Convert.ToInt32(DR["Boxss"]);
C.BlessingLasts = Convert.ToInt32(DR["BlessingLasts"]);
C.BlessingStarted = DateTime.FromBinary(Convert.ToInt64(DR["BlessingStarted"]));
C.LuckyTime = Convert.ToUInt32(DR["LuckyTime"]);
C.ExpBallsUsedToday = Convert.ToByte(DR["ExpBallsUsedToday"]);
C.Reborns = Convert.ToByte(DR["Reborns"]);
C.Merchant = (ConquerSx.Game.MerchantTypes)Convert.ToByte(DR["Merchant"]);
C.VipLevel = Convert.ToByte(DR["VipLevel"]);
C.DbUsedToday = Convert.ToByte(DR["DbUsedToday"]);
C.VoteToday = Convert.ToByte(DR["VoteToday"]);
C.Flori = Convert.ToUInt16(DR["Flori"]);
C.LastLogin = DateTime.FromBinary(Convert.ToInt64(DR["LastLogin"]));
catch { C.LastLogin = DateTime.Now; }
C.TrainTimeLeft = Convert.ToUInt16(DR["TrainTimeLeft"]);
C.InOTG = Convert.ToBoolean(DR["InOTG"]);
C.MonsterHunter = Convert.ToUInt16(DR["MonsterHunter"]);
C.UniversityPoints = Convert.ToUInt32(DR["UniversityPoints"]);
C.WHPassword = DR["WHPassword"].ToString();
C.Spouse = DR["Spouse"].ToString();
C.BanBy = Convert.ToString(DR["BanBy"]);
C.flames = Convert.ToInt16(DR["flames"]);
C.LotteryUsed = Convert.ToByte(DR["LotteryUsed"]);
C.queststatictc = Convert.ToUInt16(DR["queststatictc"]);
C.questtcnr = Convert.ToUInt16(DR["questtcnr"]);
C.DoubleExp = Convert.ToBoolean(DR["DoubleExp"]);
C.rebornquest = Convert.ToInt16(DR["rebornquest"]);
C.banned = Convert.ToInt16(DR["banned"]);
C.quest1 = Convert.ToInt16(DR["quest1"]);
C.GM = Convert.ToString(DR["GM"]);
C.Loaded = true;
catch { }
return C;
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